
in reversed chronological order.


  1. crps.jpeg
    Insights into the structural stability of major groove RNA triplexes by WAXS-guided MD simulations
    Yen-Lin Chen, Weiwei He, Serdal Kirmizialtin, and 1 more author
    Cell Reports Physical Science, 2022


  1. pnas.jpeg
    Structural analyses of an RNA stability element interacting with poly(A)
    Seyed-Fakhreddin Torabi, Yen-Lin Chen, Kaiming Zhang, and 8 more authors
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021
  2. sciadv.gif
    The structural plasticity of nucleic acid duplexes revealed by WAXS and MD
    Weiwei He, Yen-Lin Chen, Lois Pollack, and 1 more author
    Science Advances, 2021


  1. iucrj.png
    Machine learning deciphers structural features of RNA duplexes measured with solution X-ray scattering
    Yen-Lin Chen, and Lois Pollack
    IUCrJ, Sep 2020
  2. dgcr8.png
    Elucidating the Role of Microprocessor Protein DGCR8 in Bending RNA Structures
    Suzette A. Pabit, Yen-Lin Chen, Emery T. Usher, and 3 more authors
    Biophysical Journal, Dec 2020
  3. fm.gif
    In Vitro Electron Density Refinement from Solution X-ray Scattering in the Wide-Angle Regime
    Yen-Lin Chen, and Lois Pollack
    arXiv, Dec 2020


  1. hjh.png
    Conformations of an RNA Helix-Junction-Helix Construct Revealed by SAXS Refinement of MD Simulations
    Yen-Lin Chen, Tongsik Lee, Ron Elber, and 1 more author
    Biophysical Journal, Jan 2019
  2. Salt Dependence of A-Form RNA Duplexes: Structures and Implications
    Yen-Lin Chen, and Lois Pollack
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Jan 2019
    PMID: 31638810


  1. How the Conformations of an Internal Junction Contribute to Fold an RNA Domain
    Yen-Lin Chen, Julie L. Sutton, and Lois Pollack
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Jan 2018
    PMID: 30285445