After playing with e3nn
and a toy example with the tetris shape classification, I am going to move from the invariant model to equivariant model, which outputs type-1 (\(l=1\)) feature like 3D coordinates or even higher order tensors. This example is to predict the trajectories of the many-body dynamics, which is adopted from the dmol book Ch. 19 .
2. Trajectory Prediction Given a position snapshot of a connected 12-body system at time \(t\), \(x(t)\), predict the positions of each particle at \(t+\Delta t\), i.e. \(x(t+\Delta t)\).
The data can be found here
Let’s first take a look at the first frame, the second frame and later frames:
Given a snapshot, our equivariant model can be trained to predict the coordinates of the next frame \(x(t+\Delta t)\) or the displacement \(\Delta x = x(t + \Delta t) - x(t)\). These two objectives might have different 3D distributions. The later turns out to be easier to model and we will focus on predicting the delta.
2.1 Packages Here we load the required packages and set up global parameters:
# imports
import torch , e3nn , urllib , einops
import numpy as np
import torch_geometric as pyg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from torch_cluster import radius_graph
from import Data
from torch_geometric.loader import DataLoader
from torch_geometric.nn import GATConv
from torch_scatter import scatter
from import tqdm
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
import scipy.spatial.transform as trans
from e3nn import o3
from e3nn.o3 import FullyConnectedTensorProduct
from e3nn.nn.models.gate_points_2101 import Network
if torch . cuda . is_available (): DEVICE = torch . device ( ' cuda ' )
else : DEVICE = torch . device ( ' mps ' ) if torch . backends . mps . is_available () else torch . device ( ' cpu ' )
print ( f ' Using device: { DEVICE } ' )
Note that there are few functions in torch_geometric
that are not compatible with Apple’s M1/M2 GPU, so if one is using mps
, e3nn
or functionalities in torch_geometric
might raise low-level errors.
2.2 Data # Retrieving data from trajectory
urllib . request . urlretrieve ( " " , " paths.npz " )
paths = np . load ( ' paths.npz ' )[ ' arr ' ]
print ( ' path shape = ' , paths . shape ) # time stamp, particle, xy
plt . plot ( paths [ 0 , :, 0 ], paths [ 0 , :, 1 ], ' o- ' , color = ' tab:blue ' , label = ' first frame ' , alpha = 0.5 )
plt . plot ( paths [ 1 , :, 0 ], paths [ 1 , :, 1 ], ' o- ' , color = ' tab:green ' , label = ' second frame ' , alpha = 0.5 )
plt . plot ( paths [ 2 , :, 0 ], paths [ 2 , :, 1 ], ' o- ' , color = ' tab:purple ' , label = ' third frame ' , alpha = 0.5 )
plt . plot ( paths [ 9 , :, 0 ], paths [ 9 , :, 1 ], ' o- ' , color = ' tab:red ' , label = ' tenth frame ' , alpha = 0.5 )
plt . legend ()
plt . show ()
path shape = (2048, 12, 2)
The path contains 2048 frames of 2D coordinates for 12 particles. The output plot was shown above.
The data is the \(x(t)\) and the label is either \(x(t + \Delta t)\) or \(\Delta x\). We will arrange the path accordingly. Additionally, we will prepare the data with and without shuffling
the data.
# Process the data into datasets and dataloaders
def build_dataset ( x , y ):
data = []
for frame , label in zip ( x , y ):
data . append ( pyg . data . Data ( x = None , pos = frame . to ( torch . float32 ), y = label . to ( torch . float32 )))
return data
# make 3d trajectories
nt , npoint , __ = paths . shape
traj = np . concatenate (( paths , np . zeros (( nt , npoint , 1 ))), axis =- 1 )
# two types of data:
# 1. feature = x(t), label = x(t+1), prediction = label
# 2. feature = x(t), label = dx(t), prediction = x(t+1) = x(t) + dx(t)
features , labels = torch . from_numpy ( traj [: - 1 ]). to ( torch . float ), torch . from_numpy ( traj [ 1 :]). to ( torch . float )
dx = labels - features
# training = 0:n, testing = n:2048, n = 1637
n = 1637
pos_prediction_train_dataset = build_dataset ( features [: n ], labels [: n ])
pos_prediction_test_dataset = build_dataset ( features [ n :], labels [ n :])
dx_prediction_train_dataset = build_dataset ( features [: n ], dx [: n ])
dx_prediction_test_dataset = build_dataset ( features [ n :], dx [ n :])
# data loaders: [pos, dx] x [shuffle or not] x [train, test]
dataloaders = dict ({ ' pos ' : dict (), ' dx ' : dict ()})
dataloaders [ ' pos ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ] = dict ({ ' train ' : DataLoader ( pos_prediction_train_dataset , batch_size = BATCH_SIZE , shuffle = False ),
' test ' : DataLoader ( pos_prediction_test_dataset , batch_size = BATCH_SIZE , shuffle = False )})
dataloaders [ ' pos ' ][ ' shuffle ' ] = dict ({ ' train ' : DataLoader ( pos_prediction_train_dataset , batch_size = BATCH_SIZE , shuffle = True ),
' test ' : DataLoader ( pos_prediction_test_dataset , batch_size = BATCH_SIZE , shuffle = True )})
dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ] = dict ({ ' train ' : DataLoader ( dx_prediction_train_dataset , batch_size = BATCH_SIZE , shuffle = False ),
' test ' : DataLoader ( dx_prediction_test_dataset , batch_size = BATCH_SIZE , shuffle = False )})
dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' shuffle ' ] = dict ({ ' train ' : DataLoader ( dx_prediction_train_dataset , batch_size = BATCH_SIZE , shuffle = True ),
' test ' : DataLoader ( dx_prediction_test_dataset , batch_size = BATCH_SIZE , shuffle = True )})
Take a look at what the minibatch is like:
print ( len ( dataloaders [ ' pos ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' train ' ])) # 52
batch_data = next ( iter ( dataloaders [ ' pos ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' train ' ]))
print ( batch_data )
# DataBatch(y=[384, 3], pos=[384, 3], batch=[384], ptr=[33])
assert torch . allclose ( batch_data . pos [ 12 :], batch_data . y [: - 12 ])
2.3 Baseline Models With the dataloaders at hand, we can start to build the models. First, we will construct 2 baseline models for comparisons. The first one is just the normal MLP and the second one is the GNN baseline using the equivariant features (to make it comparable with models later).
# Baseline models:
# 1. Just a MLP
# 2. GNN baseline
# input = a set of 12 coordinates
# output = a set of 12 coordinates
loss_fn = torch . nn . MSELoss ()
class MLPBaseline ( torch . nn . Module ):
def __init__ ( self , hidden_dim = 64 ):
super ( MLPBaseline , self ). __init__ ()
self . dim = 36
self . hidden_dim = hidden_dim
self . mlp = torch . nn . Sequential ( torch . nn . Linear ( self . dim , self . hidden_dim ),
torch . nn . Linear ( self . hidden_dim , self . hidden_dim ),
torch . nn . Linear ( self . hidden_dim , self . dim ))
def forward ( self , data ):
pos = einops . rearrange ( data . pos , ' (t p) c -> t (p c) ' , p = 12 )
pos = self . mlp ( pos )
pos = einops . rearrange ( pos , ' t (p c) -> (t p) c ' , p = 12 )
return pos
# Using spherical harmonics as featurizer
class GNNBaseline ( torch . nn . Module ):
def __init__ ( self , dim_in = 16 , edge_dim = 16 , hidden_dim = 256 , dim_out = 3 , heads = 4 ):
super ( GNNBaseline , self ). __init__ ()
self . dim_in = dim_in
self . edge_dim = edge_dim
self . hidden_dim = hidden_dim
self . dim_out = dim_out
self . heads = heads
self . irreps_sh = o3 . Irreps . spherical_harmonics ( 3 )
self . gat1 = GATConv ( dim_in , hidden_dim , edge_dim = edge_dim , heads = heads )
self . gat2 = GATConv ( hidden_dim * heads , hidden_dim , edge_dim = edge_dim , heads = heads )
self . head = torch . nn . Sequential ( torch . nn . Linear ( hidden_dim * heads , hidden_dim ),
torch . nn . GELU (),
torch . nn . Linear ( hidden_dim , dim_out ))
def forward ( self , data ):
num_neighbors = 6
num_nodes = 12
# tensors of indices representing the graph, using fully connected
edge_index = radius_graph ( x = data . pos , r = 2.5 , batch = data . batch )
edge_src , edge_dst = edge_index
edge_vec = data . pos [ edge_src ] - data . pos [ edge_dst ]
edge_features = o3 . spherical_harmonics ( l = self . irreps_sh , x = edge_vec , normalize = False , normalization = ' component ' )
node_features = scatter ( edge_features , edge_dst , dim = 0 ). div ( num_neighbors ** 0.5 )
# GNN message passing
x = self . gat1 ( node_features , edge_index , edge_attr = edge_features )
x = self . gat2 ( x , edge_index , edge_attr = edge_features )
return self . head ( x )
Let’s try to feed in one minibatch.
mlpbase = MLPBaseline ()
pred = mlpbase ( batch_data )
print ( pred . shape ) # torch.Size([384, 3])
print ( loss_fn ( pred , batch_data . y )) # tensor(253.8258, grad_fn=<MseLossBackward0>)
gnnbase = GNNBaseline ()
pred = gnnbase ( batch_data )
print ( pred . shape ) # torch.Size([384, 3])
print ( loss_fn ( pred , batch_data . y )) # tensor(244.7130, grad_fn=<MseLossBackward0>)
We need some helper functions for model training, evaluations and visualizations. These functions are straightforward.
# general training function
EPOCHS = 100
LR = 1e-3
def train ( model , trainloader , testloader , epochs = EPOCHS , lr = LR , device = DEVICE , opt = ' Adam ' ):
model . to ( device )
optimizer = torch . optim . Adam ( model . parameters (), lr = lr ) if opt == ' Adam ' else torch . optim . AdamW ( model . parameters (), lr = lr )
loss_fn = torch . nn . MSELoss ()
every_n = epochs // 100
logs = dict ({ ' train_loss ' : np . zeros ( epochs + 1 ), ' test_loss ' : np . zeros ( epochs + 1 )})
pbar = tqdm ( range ( epochs + 1 ))
for step in pbar :
train_loss , test_loss = [], []
# training:
model . train ()
for data in trainloader :
data = data . to ( device )
pred = model ( data )
loss = loss_fn ( pred , data . y )
optimizer . zero_grad ()
loss . backward ()
optimizer . step ()
train_loss . append ( loss . item ())
logs [ ' train_loss ' ][ step ] = np . array ( train_loss ). mean ()
# testing:
model . eval ()
with torch . no_grad ():
for data in testloader :
data = data . to ( device )
pred = model ( data )
loss = loss_fn ( pred , data . y )
test_loss . append ( loss . item ())
logs [ ' test_loss ' ][ step ] = np . array ( test_loss ). mean ()
trainl , testl = logs [ ' train_loss ' ][ step ], logs [ ' test_loss ' ][ step ]
s = f ' epoch { step : 5 d } | Train MSE { trainl : < 10.5 f } | Test MSE { testl : < 10.5 f } '
if step % every_n == 0 : pbar . set_description ( s )
return model , logs
# get forward pass for all testing set
def forward_pass ( model , dataset , delta = False ):
model . eval ()
device = next ( model . parameters ()). device
pbar = tqdm ( dataset )
with torch . no_grad ():
if delta :
pred = [( data . pos . to ( device ) + model ( data . to ( device ))). unsqueeze ( 0 ) for data in pbar ]
truth = [( data . pos + data . y ). unsqueeze ( 0 ) for data in pbar ]
else :
pred = [ model ( data . to ( device )). unsqueeze ( 0 ) for data in pbar ]
truth = [ data . y . unsqueeze ( 0 ) for data in dataset ]
return torch . concat ( pred , dim = 0 ). cpu (), torch . concat ( truth , dim = 0 ). cpu ()
# show correlations of center of mass, first particle center of mass, 7th particle x coord, last particle y coord
def show_correlation ( y_hat , y ):
assert y_hat . shape == y . shape
y_hat_cm , y_cm = y_hat . mean ( - 1 ), y . mean ( - 1 )
y_hat_cmm , y_cmm = y_hat . mean (( - 2 , - 1 )), y . mean (( - 2 , - 1 ))
fig , axes = plt . subplots ( 1 , 4 , figsize = ( 20 , 5 ))
axes [ 0 ]. plot ( y_cmm , y_cmm , ' - ' , color = ' black ' )
axes [ 0 ]. plot ( y_cmm , y_hat_cmm , ' . ' )
axes [ 0 ]. set_title ( f ' COM, rsq = { r2_score ( y_cmm , y_hat_cmm ) : . 3 f } ' )
axes [ 1 ]. plot ( y_cm [:, 0 ], y_cm [:, 0 ], ' - ' , color = ' black ' )
axes [ 1 ]. plot ( y_cm [:, 0 ], y_hat_cm [:, 0 ], ' . ' )
axes [ 1 ]. set_title ( f ' First COM, rsq = { r2_score ( y_cm [ : , 0 ], y_hat_cm [ : , 0 ]) : . 3 f } ' )
axes [ 2 ]. plot ( y [:, 6 , 0 ], y [:, 6 , 0 ], ' - ' , color = ' black ' )
axes [ 2 ]. plot ( y [:, 6 , 0 ], y_hat [:, 6 , 0 ], ' . ' )
axes [ 2 ]. set_title ( f ' 7th x, rsq = { r2_score ( y [ : , 6 , 0 ], y_hat [ : , 6 , 0 ]) : . 3 f } ' )
axes [ 3 ]. plot ( y [:, - 1 , 1 ], y [:, - 1 , 1 ], ' - ' , color = ' black ' )
axes [ 3 ]. plot ( y [:, - 1 , 1 ], y_hat [:, - 1 , 1 ], ' . ' )
axes [ 3 ]. set_title ( f ' last y, rsq = { r2_score ( y [ : , - 1 , 1 ], y_hat [ : , - 1 , 1 ]) : . 3 f } ' )
plt . show ()
# show and compare trajectories
def compare_trajectories ( y_hat , y , interval = 25 ):
assert y_hat . shape == y . shape
nt = y . shape [ 0 ]
fig , axes = plt . subplots ( 1 , 2 , squeeze = True , figsize = ( 16 , 4 ))
axes [ 0 ]. set_title ( " Trajectory " )
axes [ 1 ]. set_title ( " Predicted Trajectory " )
cmap = plt . get_cmap ( " coolwarm " )
for i in range ( 0 , nt , interval ):
axes [ 0 ]. plot ( y [ i , :, 0 ], y [ i , :, 1 ], " .- " , alpha = 0.2 , color = cmap ( i / nt ))
axes [ 1 ]. plot ( y_hat [ i , :, 0 ], y_hat [ i , :, 1 ], " .- " , alpha = 0.2 , color = cmap ( i / nt ))
for i in range ( 2 ):
axes [ i ]. set_xticks ([])
axes [ i ]. set_yticks ([])
plt . show ()
For each model, we will train it, evaluate the trained model using testing data and visualize the testing trajectories. For evaluation, we select correlations of center of mass, first particle center of mass, 7th particle x coordinate, last particle y coordinate. Therefore, we will be able to see the small variations in a more granular way.
# test training
epochs = 1000
mlpbase , mlpbase_logs = train ( MLPBaseline (), dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' train ' ], dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' test ' ], epochs = epochs )
gnnbase , gnnbase_logs = train ( GNNBaseline (), dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' train ' ], dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' test ' ], epochs = epochs )
mlp_y_hat , y = forward_pass ( mlpbase , dx_prediction_test_dataset , delta = True )
show_correlation ( mlp_y_hat , y )
compare_trajectories ( mlp_y_hat , y )
gnn_y_hat , y2 = forward_pass ( gnnbase , dx_prediction_test_dataset , delta = True )
assert torch . allclose ( y , y2 )
show_correlation ( gnn_y_hat , y )
compare_trajectories ( gnn_y_hat , y )
epoch 1000 | Train MSE 0.00003 | Test MSE 0.00003 : 100 %| ██████████ | 1001 / 1001 [ 01 : 31 < 00 : 00 , 10.90 it / s ]
epoch 1000 | Train MSE 0.00002 | Test MSE 0.00003 : 100 %| ██████████ | 1001 / 1001 [ 05 : 21 < 00 : 00 , 3.11 it / s ]
100 %| ██████████ | 410 / 410 [ 00 : 00 < 00 : 00 , 5012.90 it / s ]
100 %| ██████████ | 410 / 410 [ 00 : 01 < 00 : 00 , 393.63 it / s ]
For MLP no shuffle:
For GNN no shuffle:
The baseline models have already good performances, which might be coming from the ordering of the data. Let’s try it again with shuffled dataloader.
epochs = 1000
mlpbase_sh , mlpbase_sh_logs = train ( MLPBaseline (), dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' shuffle ' ][ ' train ' ], dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' shuffle ' ][ ' test ' ], epochs = epochs )
gnnbase_sh , gnnbase_sh_logs = train ( GNNBaseline (), dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' shuffle ' ][ ' train ' ], dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' shuffle ' ][ ' test ' ], epochs = epochs )
mlp_y_hat , y = forward_pass ( mlpbase_sh , dx_prediction_test_dataset , delta = True )
show_correlation ( mlp_y_hat , y )
compare_trajectories ( mlp_y_hat , y )
gnn_y_hat , y2 = forward_pass ( gnnbase_sh , dx_prediction_test_dataset , delta = True )
assert torch . allclose ( y , y2 )
show_correlation ( gnn_y_hat , y )
compare_trajectories ( gnn_y_hat , y )
epoch 1000 | Train MSE 0.00002 | Test MSE 0.00004 : 100 %| ██████████ | 1001 / 1001 [ 01 : 35 < 00 : 00 , 10.48 it / s ]
epoch 1000 | Train MSE 0.00002 | Test MSE 0.00003 : 100 %| ██████████ | 1001 / 1001 [ 05 : 34 < 00 : 00 , 2.99 it / s ]
100 %| ██████████ | 410 / 410 [ 00 : 00 < 00 : 00 , 7180.50 it / s ]
100 %| ██████████ | 410 / 410 [ 00 : 01 < 00 : 00 , 389.29 it / s ]
For MLP shuffle:
For GNN shuffle:
2.4 E3NN Models Let’s try to build the equivariant model from e3nn
and see if the models can achieve better predictions.
We will recycle the model from the Tetris example except the final aggregation operation for the e3nn_small
model. Similarly, we recycle the Network
as the e3nn_large
model. Explicitly:
# E3NN
class EquivariantPolynomial ( torch . nn . Module ):
def __init__ ( self , r = 3.5 ):
super ( EquivariantPolynomial , self ). __init__ ()
self . r = r
self . irreps_sh = o3 . Irreps . spherical_harmonics ( 3 )
irreps_mid = o3 . Irreps ( ' 8x0e + 8x0o + 16x1e + 16x1o + 8x2e + 8x2o ' ) # add l = 3 to the hidden irreps
irreps_out = o3 . Irreps ( ' 1x1o ' ) # each particle outputs a vector (1x1o)
self . tp1 = FullyConnectedTensorProduct ( irreps_in1 = self . irreps_sh ,
irreps_in2 = self . irreps_sh ,
irreps_out = irreps_mid )
self . tp2 = FullyConnectedTensorProduct ( irreps_in1 = irreps_mid ,
irreps_in2 = self . irreps_sh ,
irreps_out = irreps_out )
self . irreps_out = self . tp2 . irreps_out
def forward ( self , data ):
num_neighbors = 11
num_nodes = 12
# tensors of indices representing the graph
edge_src , edge_dst = radius_graph ( x = data . pos , r = self . r , batch = data . batch )
edge_vec = data . pos [ edge_src ] - data . pos [ edge_dst ]
edge_sh = o3 . spherical_harmonics ( l = self . irreps_sh , x = edge_vec , normalize = False , normalization = ' component ' )
# For each node, the initial features are the sum of the spherical harmonics of the neighbors
node_features = scatter ( edge_sh , edge_dst , dim = 0 ). div ( num_neighbors ** 0.5 )
# For each edge, tensor product the features on the source node with the spherical harmonics
edge_features = self . tp1 ( node_features [ edge_src ], edge_sh )
node_features = scatter ( edge_features , edge_dst , dim = 0 ). div ( num_neighbors ** 0.5 )
edge_features = self . tp2 ( node_features [ edge_src ], edge_sh )
# node_features = scatter(edge_features, edge_dst, dim=0).div(num_neighbors**0.5)
node_features = scatter ( edge_features , edge_dst , dim = 0 , reduce = ' mean ' )
return node_features
model_kwargs = {
" irreps_in " : None ,
" irreps_hidden " : e3nn . o3 . Irreps ( ' 8x0e + 8x0o + 16x1e + 16x1o + 8x2e + 8x2o ' ), # hyperparameter
" irreps_out " : " 1x1o " , # 12 vectors out, but only 1 vector out per input
" irreps_node_attr " : None ,
" irreps_edge_attr " : e3nn . o3 . Irreps . spherical_harmonics ( 3 ),
" layers " : 3 ,
" max_radius " : 3.5 ,
" number_of_basis " : 10 ,
" radial_layers " : 1 ,
" radial_neurons " : 128 ,
" num_neighbors " : 11 ,
" num_nodes " : 12 ,
" reduce_output " : False , # setting this to true would give us one scalar as an output.
After defining these models, let go ahead to reuse the training codes.
# test training
epochs = 1000
lr = 1e-3
e3nn_small , e3nn_small_logs = train ( EquivariantPolynomial (), dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' train ' ], dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' test ' ], epochs = epochs , lr = lr )
e3nn_large , e3nn_large_logs = train ( Network ( ** model_kwargs ), dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' train ' ], dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' test ' ], epochs = epochs , lr = lr )
e3nn_small_y_hat , y = forward_pass ( e3nn_small , dx_prediction_test_dataset , delta = True )
show_correlation ( e3nn_small_y_hat , y )
compare_trajectories ( e3nn_small_y_hat , y )
e3nn_large_y_hat , y2 = forward_pass ( e3nn_large , dx_prediction_test_dataset , delta = True )
assert torch . allclose ( y , y2 )
show_correlation ( e3nn_large_y_hat , y )
compare_trajectories ( e3nn_large_y_hat , y )
epoch 1000 | Train MSE 10.74854 | Test MSE 0.36630 : 100 %| ██████████ | 1001 / 1001 [ 10 : 59 < 00 : 00 , 1.52 it / s ]
epoch 1000 | Train MSE 0.00000 | Test MSE 0.00006 : 100 %| ██████████ | 1001 / 1001 [ 51 : 30 < 00 : 00 , 3.09 s / it ]
100 %| ██████████ | 410 / 410 [ 00 : 02 < 00 : 00 , 147.40 it / s ]
100 %| ██████████ | 410 / 410 [ 00 : 06 < 00 : 00 , 60.48 it / s ]
The training speed is significantly slower due to the expensive FullyConnectedTensorProduct
layer as it operates on higher order irreps.
For E3NN small no shuffle:
For E3NN large no shuffle:
Hmmm.. It does not seem like these equivariant models outperform non-equivariant ones but the larger model involving higher order irreps definitely helps. It is unclear whether these models require different learning rates or longer training epochs.
I also tried to train them using the shuffled data sets but the results look similar without significant improvement.
In our set-up, we have the option to predict \(x(t+\Delta t)\) directly. Let’s see if we can directly train the e3nn_large
using the positions directly.
epochs = 1000
lr = 1e-3
# e3nn_small, e3nn_small_logs = train(EquivariantPolynomial(), dataloaders['dx']['no_shuffle']['train'], dataloaders['dx']['no_shuffle']['test'], epochs=epochs, lr=lr, device='cpu', opt='AdamW')
e3nn_large2 , _ = train ( Network ( ** model_kwargs ), dataloaders [ ' pos ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' train ' ], dataloaders [ ' pos ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' test ' ], epochs = epochs , lr = lr )
# e3nn_small_y_hat, y = forward_pass(e3nn_small, dx_prediction_test_dataset, delta=True)
# show_correlation(e3nn_small_y_hat, y)
# compare_trajectories(e3nn_small_y_hat, y)
e3nn_large_y_hat , y2 = forward_pass ( e3nn_large2 , pos_prediction_test_dataset , delta = False )
# assert torch.allclose(y, y2)
show_correlation ( e3nn_large_y_hat , y2 )
compare_trajectories ( e3nn_large_y_hat , y2 )
epoch 1000 | Train MSE 3.05509 | Test MSE 698.58898 : 100 %| ██████████ | 1001 / 1001 [ 53 : 10 < 00 : 00 , 3.19 s / it ]
100 %| ██████████ | 410 / 410 [ 00 : 06 < 00 : 00 , 62.76 it / s ]
It does not seem to work. This might suggest that \(p(x(t + \Delta t) \| x(t))\) is different from \(p(\Delta x \| x(t))\) and is more diffucult to learn from the data in this setup.
2.5 Testing Equivariance We will test equivariance of our 4 models so far.
# test se3 equivariance
def se3_equivariance ( model , rot = None , t = None , tol = 1e-4 ):
if rot is None : rot = trans . Rotation . from_euler ( ' x ' , 37 , degrees = True )
if t is None : t = torch . zeros ( 1 , 3 )
input_point = torch . randn ( 12 , 3 )
input_point_transformed = torch . from_numpy ( rot . apply ( input_point )). to ( torch . float ) + t
dset = [ Data ( pos = input_point , y = input_point )]
dset_transformed = [ Data ( pos = input_point_transformed , y = input_point_transformed )]
output_point , __ = forward_pass ( model , dset )
output_point_transformed = torch . from_numpy ( rot . apply ( output_point . squeeze ( 0 ))). to ( torch . float )
trandformed_output_point , __ = forward_pass ( model , dset_transformed )
err = ( trandformed_output_point - output_point_transformed ). abs (). max (). item ()
print ( ' Err = ' , err )
# assert err < tol
return None
print ( ' MLP Baseline: ' )
se3_equivariance ( mlpbase )
print ( ' GNN Baseline: ' )
se3_equivariance ( gnnbase )
print ( ' E3NN Small: ' )
se3_equivariance ( e3nn_small )
print ( ' E3NN Large: ' )
se3_equivariance ( e3nn_large )
MLP Baseline :
100 %| ██████████ | 1 / 1 [ 00 : 00 < 00 : 00 , 1642.25 it / s ]
100 %| ██████████ | 1 / 1 [ 00 : 00 < 00 : 00 , 2750.36 it / s ]
Err = 0.004440372344106436
GNN Baseline :
100 %| ██████████ | 1 / 1 [ 00 : 00 < 00 : 00 , 211.60 it / s ]
100 %| ██████████ | 1 / 1 [ 00 : 00 < 00 : 00 , 365.26 it / s ]
Err = 0.013194178231060505
E3NN Small :
100 %| ██████████ | 1 / 1 [ 00 : 00 < 00 : 00 , 23.25 it / s ]
100 %| ██████████ | 1 / 1 [ 00 : 00 < 00 : 00 , 204.99 it / s ]
Err = 0.0001068115234375
E3NN Large :
100 %| ██████████ | 1 / 1 [ 00 : 00 < 00 : 00 , 61.12 it / s ]
100 %| ██████████ | 1 / 1 [ 00 : 00 < 00 : 00 , 63.11 it / s ]
Err = 2.8870999813079834e-08
Given that the e3nn_large
model does not outperform the baselines, I was motivated to look into more complex models, such as the SE3-Transformer . The e3nn
document provides simple implementation of SE3-Transformer using the e3nn
framework. I will use the implementation for E3Attention
which grounds the E3MultiHeadAttention
. We will use the layers to build a more complex E3Network
# Build a SE-3 Transformer model
import e3nn
class E3Attention ( torch . nn . Module ):
def __init__ ( self , irreps_in , irreps_q , irreps_k , irreps_out , num_bases , max_radius , sh_order = 4 ,):
super ( E3Attention , self ). __init__ ()
self . irreps_in = irreps_in
self . irreps_q = irreps_q
self . irresp_k = irreps_k
self . irreps_out = irreps_out
self . irreps_sh = o3 . Irreps . spherical_harmonics ( sh_order )
self . num_bases = num_bases
self . max_radius = max_radius
# input to query
self . to_q = o3 . Linear ( irreps_in , irreps_q ). to ( DEVICE )
# input to key
self . tp_k = o3 . FullyConnectedTensorProduct ( irreps_in , self . irreps_sh , irreps_k , shared_weights = False ). to ( DEVICE )
self . fc_k = e3nn . nn . FullyConnectedNet ([ self . num_bases , ( sh_order + 1 ) ** 2 , self . tp_k . weight_numel ], act = torch . nn . functional . gelu ). to ( DEVICE )
# input to value
self . tp_v = o3 . FullyConnectedTensorProduct ( irreps_in , self . irreps_sh , irreps_out , shared_weights = False ). to ( DEVICE )
self . fc_v = e3nn . nn . FullyConnectedNet ([ self . num_bases , ( sh_order + 1 ) ** 2 , self . tp_v . weight_numel ], act = torch . nn . functional . gelu ). to ( DEVICE )
# dot product
self . dot_product = o3 . FullyConnectedTensorProduct ( irreps_q , irreps_k , ' 0e ' ). to ( DEVICE )
def forward ( self , data ):
num_neighbors = 11
num_nodes = 12
pos = data . pos
# features = torch.zeros(pos.shape[0], self.irreps_in.dim)
features = pos
# edges
edge_src , edge_dst = radius_graph ( pos , self . max_radius )
edge_vec = pos [ edge_src ] - pos [ edge_dst ]
edge_length = edge_vec . norm ( dim = 1 )
edge_length_embedded = e3nn . math . soft_one_hot_linspace ( edge_length , start = 0.0 , end = self . max_radius , number = self . num_bases , basis = ' smooth_finite ' , cutoff = True ) * self . num_bases ** 0.5
edge_weight_cutoff = e3nn . math . soft_unit_step ( 10 * ( 1 - edge_length / self . max_radius ))
edge_features = o3 . spherical_harmonics ( self . irreps_sh , edge_vec , True , normalization = ' component ' ). to ( DEVICE )
edge_length_embedded = edge_length_embedded . to ( DEVICE )
# qkv
q = self . to_q ( features )
k = self . tp_k ( features [ edge_src ], edge_features , self . fc_k ( edge_length_embedded ))
v = self . tp_v ( features [ edge_src ], edge_features , self . fc_v ( edge_length_embedded ))
exp = edge_weight_cutoff [:, None ] * self . dot_product ( q [ edge_dst ], k ). exp ()
exp = exp . clamp ( 0.0 , 1.0 )
z = scatter ( exp , edge_dst , dim = 0 , dim_size = len ( features ))
z [ z == 0 ] = 1
alpha = exp / z [ edge_dst ]
out = scatter ( alpha . relu (). sqrt () * v , edge_dst , dim = 0 , dim_size = len ( features ), reduce = ' mean ' )
return out
class E3MultiHeadAttention ( torch . nn . Module ):
def __init__ ( self , irreps_in , irreps_q , irreps_k , irreps_mid , irreps_out , num_bases , max_radius , sh_order = 4 , heads = 4 ):
super ( E3MultiHeadAttention , self ). __init__ ()
self . irreps_in = irreps_in
self . irreps_q = irreps_q
self . irreps_k = irreps_k
self . irreps_mid = irreps_mid
self . irreps_out = irreps_out
self . num_bases = num_bases
self . max_radius = max_radius
self . sh_order = sh_order
self . heads = heads
self . irreps_all_heads = irreps_mid * heads
self . irreps_sh = o3 . Irreps . spherical_harmonics ( sh_order )
self . hs = [ E3Attention ( irreps_in , irreps_q , irreps_k , irreps_mid , num_bases = num_bases , max_radius = max_radius ) for _ in range ( heads )]
self . tp1 = o3 . FullyConnectedTensorProduct ( self . irreps_all_heads , self . irreps_sh , self . irreps_mid )
self . tp2 = o3 . FullyConnectedTensorProduct ( self . irreps_mid , self . irreps_sh , self . irreps_out )
def forward ( self , data ):
pos = data . pos
# features = torch.zeros(pos.shape[0], self.irreps_in.dim)
features = pos
# edges
edge_src , edge_dst = radius_graph ( pos , self . max_radius )
edge_vec = pos [ edge_src ] - pos [ edge_dst ]
edge_features = o3 . spherical_harmonics ( self . irreps_sh , edge_vec , True , normalization = ' component ' )
hs = torch . concat ([ f ( data ) for f in self . hs ], dim = 1 )
# print(hs)
h = self . tp1 ( hs [ edge_src ], edge_features )
h = scatter ( h , edge_dst , dim = 0 , reduce = ' mean ' )
# print(h.shape)
h = self . tp2 ( h [ edge_src ], edge_features )
h = scatter ( h , edge_dst , dim = 0 , reduce = ' mean ' )
# print(h.shape)
return h
class E3Network ( torch . nn . Module ):
def __init__ ( self , irreps_in , irreps_q , irreps_k , irreps_mid , irreps_out , num_bases , max_radius , sh_order = 4 , heads = 4 , layers = 4 ):
super ( E3Network , self ). __init__ ()
e3mhas = []
for i in range ( layers ):
e3mhas . append ( E3MultiHeadAttention ( irreps_in = irreps_in , # if i == 0 else irreps_mid,
irreps_q = irreps_q , irreps_k = irreps_k , irreps_mid = irreps_mid ,
irreps_out = irreps_out ,
num_bases = num_bases , max_radius = max_radius , sh_order = sh_order ,
heads = heads ))
self . e3mhas = torch . nn . ModuleList ( e3mhas )
def forward ( self , data ):
tmp_data = data . clone ()
for ( i , e3mha ) in enumerate ( self . e3mhas ): tmp_data . pos = e3mha ( tmp_data )
return tmp_data . pos
Let’s get them trained. Note that GPU is required for training 1000 epochs here.
irreps_in = o3 . Irreps ( " 1x1o " )
irreps_q = e3nn . o3 . Irreps ( ' 8x0e + 8x0o + 16x1e + 16x1o + 8x2e + 8x2o ' )
irreps_k = irreps_q
irreps_mid = irreps_q
irreps_out = o3 . Irreps ( " 1x1o " )
num_bases = 20
max_radius = 3.5
epochs = 300
lr = 1e-3
e3mha = E3MultiHeadAttention ( irreps_in , irreps_q , irreps_k , irreps_mid , irreps_out , num_bases = num_bases , max_radius = max_radius , heads = 16 )
e3mha , _ = train ( e3mha , dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' train ' ], dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' test ' ], epochs = epochs , lr = lr )
e3net = E3Network ( irreps_in , irreps_q , irreps_k , irreps_mid , irreps_out , num_bases = num_bases , max_radius = max_radius , heads = 8 , layers = 4 )
e3net , _ = train ( e3net , dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' train ' ], dataloaders [ ' dx ' ][ ' no_shuffle ' ][ ' test ' ], epochs = epochs , lr = lr )
e3mha_y_hat , y = forward_pass ( e3mha , dx_prediction_test_dataset , delta = True )
show_correlation ( e3mha_y_hat , y )
compare_trajectories ( e3mha_y_hat , y )
e3net_y_hat , y = forward_pass ( e3net , dx_prediction_test_dataset , delta = True )
show_correlation ( e3net_y_hat , y )
compare_trajectories ( e3net_y_hat , y )
0 %| | 0 / 1 [ 01 : 45 < ? , ? it / s ]
epoch 300 | Train MSE 0.00029 | Test MSE 0.00112 : 100 %| ██████████ | 301 / 301 [ 1 : 58 : 21 < 00 : 00 , 23.59 s / it ]
epoch 57 | Train MSE 0.00002 | Test MSE 0.00002 : 19 %| █▉ | 58 / 301 [ 56 : 27 < 3 : 56 : 26 , 58.38 s / it ]
(Note that the training was clipped due to disconnection from jupyter lab.)
Let’s see how the trained models perform.
e3mha_y_hat , y = forward_pass ( e3mha , dx_prediction_test_dataset , delta = True )
show_correlation ( e3mha_y_hat , y )
compare_trajectories ( e3mha_y_hat , y )
e3net_y_hat , y = forward_pass ( e3net , dx_prediction_test_dataset , delta = True )
show_correlation ( e3net_y_hat , y )
compare_trajectories ( e3net_y_hat , y )
For SE3 MHA no shuffle:
For SE3 Transformer no shuffle:
Let’s test the equivariance again
e3att = E3Attention ( irreps_in , irreps_q , irreps_k , irreps_out , num_bases , max_radius )
print ( ' E3ATT: ' )
se3_equivariance ( e3att )
# print(sum(p.numel() for p in e3att.parameters() if p.requires_grad))
e3mha = E3MultiHeadAttention ( irreps_in , irreps_q , irreps_k , irreps_mid , irreps_out , num_bases = num_bases , max_radius = max_radius )
print ( ' E3MHA: ' )
se3_equivariance ( e3mha )
# print(sum(p.numel() for p in e3mha.parameters() if p.requires_grad))
e3net = E3Network ( irreps_in , irreps_q , irreps_k , irreps_mid , irreps_out , num_bases = num_bases , max_radius = max_radius , layers = 4 )
print ( ' E3Net: ' )
se3_equivariance ( e3net )
# print(sum(p.numel() for p in e3net.parameters() if p.requires_grad))
2.7 Summary Here is the summary table of the experiments using the trajectory data.
model trained on shuffle cm corr p1 cm corr p7 x corr p12 y corr equivariance err MLPBase dx no 1.000 0.999 1.000 0.997 4.44e-3 MLPBase_SH dx yes 1.000 0.998 1.000 0.997 GNNBase dx no 1.000 0.999 1.000 0.996 1.32e-2 GNNBase_SH dx yes 1.000 0.999 0.999 0.997 E3Small dx no -3.263 -10.729 -0.853 -214.437 1.07e-4 E3Small_SH dx yes 0.998 0.830 0.992 0.772 E3Large dx no 1.000 0.997 1.000 0.993 2.89e-8 E3Large_SH dx yes 0.999 0.993 0.999 0.990 E3Large_Pos x no -75086 -77477 -9814 -19929 SE3MHA dx no 0.513 0.321 0.937 0.788 2.13e-7 SE3Trans dx no 1.000 0.999 1.000 0.997 1.78e-8
2.8 Notes In the models that utilize FullyConnectedTensorProduct
from e3nn
, it might be interesting to see the weights between different order of features. Intuitively, the coefficients of higher order interactions should be small compared to l0
and l1
features. However, I have not investigated it.
The model was using radius_graph
with a given radius range for constructing the message passing graphs. Whether this is good enough and how one should choose the radius are potential factors for model improvements.
References Deep learning for molecules and materials: SE3-Transformer: