Yen-Lin Chen
ML Scientist | Physicist | Cornell AEP PhD
I am a machine learning scientist at Seismic Therapeutic, a machine learning immunology company, building models that are aware of symmetries, geometries and physics. I am currently working at the intersection of graphs, optimization, equivariant representations and 3D structure modeling plus some diffusion. I code in Julia, Python and C++.
I got my PhD in Applied Physics from Cornell University, supervised by Prof. Lois Pollack with a minor in Applied Statistics. I studied nucleic acid structures and dynamics with X-ray scattering and computational/ML integrations. Some of my work was published in PNAS and Science Advances. The recording of my virtual defense can be found here.
After PhD, I joined ReviveMed, an AI-driven drug discovery company, as a (senior) computational biologist, working on knowledge graphs, optimizations, statistical testing of graphs, graph neural networks and biomarker discovery.
I enjoy solving puzzles; Advent of Code is one of my favorite. Here are example solutions in Julia for 2021. I also enjoy mathematical derivations, e.g. LASSO oracle inequality (writeup, simulation).
I am always creating, hacking, learning, and exploring.